Webmistress: Casey
Webhost: Dreamhost
Coding: Casey
Design: Casey
Number of Vids: 52
To download, right-click and select either "save as", "save target as", or "save target as". (The videos are stored in a .rar file which can be opened through WinRAR.)
Title: Lovestoned
Fandom: Harry Potter
Song: "Lovestoned"
Artist: Justin Timberlake
Category: Shippy
Characters: Ron/Fleur, Harry/Cho
Size: 19.29MB
Length: 2:40
Summary: This is a Ron/Fleur, Harry/Cho vid about Harry & Ron first seeing these two girls and the beginnings of their relationships. (So, kinda AU.)
Extra Notes: I feel that there aren't a lot of GOOD Ron/Fleur & Harry/Cho songs—or if there are vids about them, Cho & Fleur are usually in a bad light and the vid ends up R/Hr, H/G or H/Hr. So I thought I'd try to put these couples in a good light—hope I did decently! (And apologies for the repeated scenes—Fleur's only in one movie right now.) The coloring really doesn't need to be explained in my opinion, I'm pretty sure it'll make sense to you. (Normally I hate Justin Timberlake songs—with two exceptions: this song and "Cry Me a River". I still can't believe I did this!)
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